The new normal of hair removal services

“Is a woman willing to perform intimate services involving nudity for women obliged to perform the same services for any male who claims to be a woman?” This article in The Economist brings to light the gray area when it’s comes to services like waxing. You need to be

Brows…to sit or lie

Back in the early 90’s when I was in school for esthetics the instructors trained us to wax the brows sitting up just like you would if you were applying makeup to someone’s face. As the years went by and I worked in a large spa/salon I witnessed the

Pros and cons to waxing

Cons: Ingrown hairs can still be a problem. The hair is trying to grow up and out of the follicle but our skin sometimes can grow over and the hair gets stuck. Exfoliating with mits in a circular motion, up towards the heart or using a body scrub made from
Posted: August 30, 2017 By:

Pilonidal (tailbone) cysts

If you’re reading this more than likely you’ve heard of this and may have actually been diagnosed with it. If you haven’t heard of this, it’s a cyst that’s typically located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. This happens in Men and Women
Posted: August 30, 2017 By: